Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4: Unlocking the Secret Dr. Doom Skin and New Glitches

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The first major update for Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 has finally dropped, bringing exciting new features and changes to the game. One of the biggest additions is the long-awaited reveal of Dr. Doom as the secret skin of the season. But there’s a twist! The Dr. Doom you’ve been seeing on the island isn’t the real deal—it’s a DoomBot controlled by the villain himself.

In this article, we’ll cover the steps to unlock the Dr. Doom secret skin, explore new glitches, and dive into some hidden secrets this update brings to the table.

Unlocking the Dr. Doom Secret Skin in Fortnite

Players have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Dr. Doom as the secret skin of this season, and the wait is finally over. Dr. Doom, after absorbing powers from Pandora’s Box, has crafted new armor and is now ready for action. However, there’s a catch: the version of Dr. Doom you’ve been battling isn’t actually him. It’s a DoomBot controlled by Dr. Doom through a microchip implanted in its brain.

To unlock the Dr. Doom skin, you’ll need to complete a series of challenges:

  1. Visit Doom’s Forge: This location, featuring a massive black tower and lava pit, is the key to your first reward. Simply land here during a match to unlock a Dr. Doom emote, showcasing his new powers from Pandora’s Box.
  2. Defeat the DoomBot Boss: After visiting Doom’s Forge, you’ll need to take down the DoomBot boss. Be prepared for a tough fight—stock up on shields, ammo, and materials. Once defeated, you’ll earn a loading screen as your next reward.
  3. Track Down the Real Dr. Doom: Dr. Doom himself spawns randomly across different Doom locations on the island, including Doom’s Court and Doom’s Courtyard. To fully unlock the Dr. Doom skin, you’ll need to locate and defeat him.

With these steps completed, you’ll finally have access to the Dr. Doom secret skin. There are additional rewards, including a second page of Doom-themed items, that will be available in future updates.

New Fortnite Glitches: Exploiting the Lava Pit

Aside from unlocking Dr. Doom, Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 also introduces some interesting glitches, including one involving the lava pit at Doom’s Forge. Here’s how to pull off this new glitch:

  1. Get an SUV: Before heading to the lava pit, locate an SUV vehicle in the area and drive it towards the tower.
  2. Park Near the Lava Pit: Position the SUV right on top of the lava pit. Normally, stepping into the lava sends your character flying into the sky. The glitch harnesses this feature.
  3. Disconnect and Reconnect: As the car starts to rise from the lava pit, disconnect and reconnect your internet connection. When done correctly, your car will float in midair, and your character will remain invisible to enemies.

While this glitch can provide a temporary advantage, it’s only a matter of time before Epic Games patches it, so try it out while you can.

Customize Your Fortnite Pickaxe in Creative Mode

Did you know there’s a way to create a fully customizable pickaxe in Fortnite’s Creative Mode? By inputting a specific island code, you can modify your pickaxe to create something completely unique. Here’s how:

  1. Enter the Island Code: Use the island code provided to enter a special Creative Mode game.
  2. Follow the Instructions: Once in, follow the on-screen instructions. Though they may seem tricky at first, the steps are simple: interact with a button while holding your pickaxe, switch to a weapon, aim down sight, and switch back to your pickaxe.
  3. Choose Your Custom Pickaxe: After completing these steps, interact with the available pickaxes on the wall to apply your customization. You can create anything from a Minecraft Diamond Sword to a Call of Duty Ray Gun—though you can only use them in Creative Mode for now.

For more Fortnite tips and tricks, including how to get the latest skins and unlock in-game content, check out our Fortnite Guide Hub.

This new Fortnite update brings plenty of new content, glitches, and customizations to keep players busy!

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